About Me

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I love music. I play guitar, drums, bass a little piano and love to sing/scream. Love to play video games. Among my favorites are Kingdom Hearts, Super Smash Bros, Zelda, Final Fantasy, Halo, etc etc. Just talk to me and read my blog if you wanna learn more =D

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Control Alt Destroy

So, its almost midnight here where I live, and I've been thinking alot about music. I wanted to share with everyone on here my music page where I end up putting all of my solo work, so you guys can let me know what you think, good or bad, I'd like to hear it. My style has been changing alot since I have gotten any of those recorded, so I'll probably be re-posting the link within a few weeks with new material up if you guys are interested. As of now its more of a pop-punk, All time low feel. What I have recently been writing is more of a Silverstein or Underoath sound. (If you don't know any of those bands I advise you look them up right now)
 Anyway, no more rambling for me.

The page it www.myspace.com/uniquelythesamemusic

Drop me a comment telling me what you think!


  1. I started listening to it before I finished reading,and "Name Pending" definetly reminded me of the acoustic version of My Heroine. You really got potential. You should look for better audio recording equipment tough...

    So, keep it up dude! \m/

  2. keep up the good blogging man, I like the background

  3. I dug your take on SOtR. And the Former You was pretty good.
    Nice voice; I don't know where you were recording, but you could do with a pop guard.
    That is my only criticism. :)
    Keep going at it.
